Anxiety Therapy

Do You Suffer From Constant Stress Or Worry?

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Do you feel constantly worried or anxious and are unsure of how to cope with it? Do you wish you could just let go of that worry that seems to control your life? 

Perhaps you can’t stop stressing about things that you feel you should be able to control, such as school, work, finances or relationships. Are you constantly thinking about the next think that needs to get done and worried about what will happen if you make a mistake? Do you struggle with racing thoughts and feel so tense and overwhelmed that you freeze, unable to start, let alone finish, a task? You may feel caught in a cycle of distress and shame, with no clue how to break free and fulfill your goals

You might be someone who goes through their normal routine with what looks like ease, even while you feel stressed and on edge below the surface. To quiet the internal chaos, you may even search for some way to calm down, such as various medications or substances. Even though you know some of these habits aren’t healthy, maybe you hide these escapes from the people around you because you don’t want to lose the only way you can numb the pain. Does your internal stress ever feel uncontrollable? Do you feel frustrated with yourself and irritable around the people you love, as well as prone to large reactions to small setbacks or changed plans?

Regardless of your anxiety symptoms, do you just wish you could let go of the stress that prevents you from living your life? Do you wish you could simply stop worrying all the time, or at least learn how to cope?

Many Others Suffer From Anxiety

As frustrating and isolating as its symptoms can be, anxiety is extremely common. Many people struggle with anxiety and worry on a daily basis, whether related to work, school, relationships, finances or something else entirely. 

Your sense of ongoing worry could simply result from feeling lost in life or unsure of what lies ahead. Like so many others, you might fear the unknown but don’t actually talk about it with anyone, let alone acknowledge that fear. Even if you don’t always admit it, a constant stress may be governing your life, sometimes leading you to suffer from anxiety attacks—these can involve symptoms such as your heart racing or a shortness of breath.

Anxiety, although very common, can be very difficult to deal with on your own. Many people go on suffering under the burden of worry and stress for years without realizing that it’s possible to find relief. This is understandable, however, because even chronic stress is too often characterized as just a “part of life.” 

Fortunately, with the help of an experienced therapist, you can take control of your anxiety and life life the way you want to—without your anxiety derailing your life.

Anxiety Therapy Can Help You Feel Empowered and At Ease

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At Couples And Family Counseling Center, we make it our priority to make sure you know that you do not have to suffer from anxiety forever, and certainly not alone. Coping with anxiety can be so hard if you don’t have the tools to recognize anxious thoughts and soothe distress, which is why in sessions we provide you with those tools and skills you need to conquer those ever-present, unruly fears. We will help you understand how that stress and worry is affecting you, what it’s rooted in and how to manage it more effectively—soon, you will have the skills you need to gain power over your life.

In sessions, we teach mindfulness and self-awareness, and we provide you with practical resources to help you heal and feel more confident in your abilities and choices. Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you will be able to adjust your thoughts and feelings to change how they relate to your body’s behavior—this will help you gain control over your mind so you can calm your internal worry and no longer live on your anxiety’s terms. It’s our aim to give you a safe and compassionate environment so that you feel confident enough to take large leaps toward positive change.


Your anxiety doesn’t have to be dehibilitating or prevent you from doing the things you love. With help, you can learn how to manage and minimize it so you don’t have to struggle anymore. Don’t let insecurity and fear hold you back from a satisfying life—change is possible, and you are not alone.

You May Have Questions Or Concerns About Anxiety Therapy…

I’ve had anxiety forever…therapy is not going to change that.

Yes, you may have been dealing with your anxiety for years, or maybe forever. But that doesn’t mean change is not possible now. Sometimes healing comes from minor shifts in everyday habits. Most people don’t know how to productively make those shifts, and that’s where therapy can be truly helpful.

We can teach you the skills you need to make very real changes, and sometimes just the support of a professional can provide instant relief. You don’t have to go at this on your own anymore.

Is something wrong with me for going to therapy?

Absolutely not! Every now and then, people need help, which is completely okay. Why struggle alone when you don’t have to? Additionally, so many people suffer from anxiety. This doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you; you have to approach life a little differently.

Therapy for anxiety can be scary at first, and results can feel unattainable. But with professional anxiety help, you can get relief from your constant worry and begin to live the life that you want. 

I’ve never been to therapy before…I’m scared.

Being afraid is normal—in fact, it’s human. It’s normal to be afraid of being vulnerable with a complete stranger and opening up to them about your thoughts and feelings. Anxiety can make this fear feel even more powerful.

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In my practice, we make a strong effort to provide you with a space that gives you freedom and allows you to feel safe. Therapy is a time for you to safely work through your problems or worries, and it gives you the opportunity to make positive change, all with the support of a therapist. Finding relief is possible, even if change is scary at first.

Conquer Your Anxiety With Therapy

Living with anxiety can sometimes feel hopeless, but with help and support you can learn how to cope with it and go on living your life. If you’re curious whether we’d be a good fit, call me for a free 15- to 30- minute phone consultation at (720) 443-1868, or email me at for more information about anxiety therapy in Colorado.